

Getting out of the sun without aging

 The only way to go out without aging is using your sunscreen. Daily? No, but hourly. Yes, sunscreen needs to be reapplied during the day, every 2- 3 hours, depending how many hours the sunscreen chosen last. To know that is very important read the recommendations behind the product. Also to learn to choose which sunscreen is for your skin is totally a game changer. A lot of people do not use it because they don’t know which one is for their skin and they feel uncomfortable  with that all day long and stop using it. For example : For the people who have oily skin and acne prone, always recommend sunscreen with oil-free, and non- comedogenic (that means that products do not clog your pores). For the people who have dry skin also recommend oil -free, but with some moisturizing. There are many sunscreens nowadays, sunscreens with antioxidants, moisturizers, vitamins, with color or without colors. For that reason people get confused when they start to use it. How to choose the best sunscreen ?So Always choose for UVA & UVB Broad spectrum, SPF 30 or ++, do not use the same product for face and body. For the face always choose non comedogenic and oil- free products. Pay attention to what the products say it’s for dry, oily, sensitive skin. If you don’t know, ask the dermatologist, esthetician, which one is the best for you. Just do not stop using it. Reapply every 2-3 hours(read the label). The ideal quantity for the face is 1 teaspoon and spread for all of the face and neck until it is absorbed. Everyday includes clouds, rainy, and snow days, inside and outside. The UV is always there no matter the weather and place.  The biggest mistake people make is to think that they need to apply sunscreen just on sunny days or when they go to the beach.  And buy any kind of SPF and put on their skin. People need to be conscious about how important it is to wear sunscreen, including in their routine would make a huge difference in their lives. It will prevent not only wrinkles, but skin cancer. 
